Kategorie: The Subscription.

Each month, we will be working on a brand new, UNRELEASED piece of jewellery to send to our gorgeous customers on a monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or yearly basis. You can subscribe for just gold, just silver, or both gold and silver jewellery. 

1. Monthly - If you choose the monthly subscription, you will receive 12 totally different, unreleased pieces of jewellery over the span of a year, one surprise piece per month, delivered straight to your letterbox. 
2. Quarterly - If you choose the quarterly subscription, you will receive 4 beautiful and unreleased products over the span of a year, one every 3 months.
3. Bi-Annual - If you choose the bi-annual subscription, you will receive 2 unreleased products over the span of a year, one every 6 months. 
4. Yearly - If you choose the yearly subscription, you will receive 1 unreleased product over the span of a year, one every 12 months. 
5. One-Time - Alternatively, you can choose to join the fun by purchasing the Mystery Product, on a whim, at the full price of €26.99.